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City: harare

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Learner Professional Hunters / Guides Examinations

Category Parks & Wildlife
0 reviews

Oyster Mushroom Cultivation Training

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The major mandate of the Department is to provide research-based technologies, technical information for advisory services and products for supporting enhanced agricultural productivity and the production of various crops and livestock (with the exception ...

Category Research
0 reviews

The services and products include:- (i) Tobacco Research Kutsaga Seedlings; (ii) Soil testing plus crop-specific lime and fertilizer recommendations; (iii) Irrigation; (iv) Drinking and effluent water testing; (v) Foliar analysis; (vi) Agrochemicals resid ...

Category Research
0 reviews

Undergraduate (BVSc and BSc) Bachelor of Veterinary Science (BVSc) Bachelor of Science (Honours) degree in Veterinary Anatomy Bachelor of Science (Honours) degree in Veterinary Biochemistry Bachelor of Science (Honours) degree in Veterinary Physiology Dip ...

Category Veterinary
0 reviews

Bachelor of Science Honours Degree in Applied Environmental Science Bachelor of Science Honours Degree in Agriculture Bachelor of Science Honours Degree in Agricultural Engineering Bachelor of Science Honours Degree in Applied Environmental Science. ...

0 reviews

Diploma in Agriculture; Conventional Diploma in Agriculture; Farmer Training and Outreach Programmes

Category Agriculture
0 reviews

Herbs Training; Mushroom Training; Farmer Training-Crop Production; Farmer Training-Animal Production; Farmer Training-Agribusiness; Farmer Training-Horticulture; Poultry production; Piggery production; Farm management; Water supply - design; Water supply ...

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7 tine Ripper with a Roller
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Qualified person to assist in managing or supervising
Qualified person to assist in managing or supervising

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