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Oct 03, 2023

New wheat market price 2023

The government has announced a new market price for wheat which is set at US$520.25 per tonne. This new winter wheat price is payable as 75:25 (USD:ZWL). "Govt announces new market price for wheat", Newsday, viewed 3 October 2023,… Read more
Aug 15, 2023

Kutsaga approves new tobacco agrochemicals

"KUTSAGA, formerly Tobacco Research Board, has approved new tobacco agrochemicals as it ramps up efforts to support farmers to produce high-quality crops acceptable on the global markets.In a notice to all tobacco growers, contractors, merchants and agrochemical companies yesterday, Kutsaga said… Read more
Aug 09, 2023

Zim agric products in high demand: ZimTrade

"ZIMTRADE says the country’s agricultural produce, such as maize, tobacco, citrus fruits, beef and dairy products, are highly sought-after in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) due to their quality and taste.With a population of over 80 million, the DRC has a high demand for food products,… Read more
Jul 03, 2023

Cottco resumes payment to farmers

"THE Cotton Company of Zimbabwe (Cottco) has resumed payment to farmers seed cotton delivered to depots and common buying points after engagement of relevant authorities, board chairman Sifelani Jabangwe said yesterday........." Source. "Cottco resumes payments to farmers", Business Times, viewed 3… Read more
Apr 02, 2023

Treat farming as business, ARDA tells communal farmers

"Communal farmers’ mindset should change and start looking at farming as a business where they grow to sell their produce, an official with the Agricultural Rural Development Association (ARDA) has said......." "Treat farming as business, ARDA tells communal farmers", Business Times, viewed 2 April… Read more
May 18, 2018

Pig Industry Board - Training Schedule For 2018

THREE WEEK PRACTICALCOURSE Intake No Starting Date Ending Date 1 08/01/2018 26/01/2018 2 29/01/2018 16/02/2018 3 19/02/2018 09/03/2018 4 12/03/2018 30/03/2018 5 02/04/2018 20/04/2018 6 23/04/2018 11/05/2018 7 14/05/2018 01/06/2018 8 04/06/2018 22/06/2018 9 25/06/2018 13/07/2018 10 16/07/2018… Read more
Jun 21, 2017

Agribank sets up a $10 million horticulture loan facility

The horticulture loan facility set up by the Agricultural Bank of Zimbabwe (Agribank) has a term of 12 months for working capital and 3 years for capital expenditure. Source. "Agribank unveils $10m facility for horticulture farmers", The Chronicle, viewed 21 June 2017,… Read more
Jun 06, 2017

An outbreak of Avian influenza reported at Irvines

7 000 birds are reported to have been killed by the highly pathogenic H5N8 bird flu. The company had to cull 140 000 birds as a preventative measure to control the spread of the disease. Sources. 1. "Avian influenza outbreak hits Irvines", The Herald, viewed 6 June 2017,… Read more
Jun 06, 2017

Zimbabwe bans poultry imports from South Africa

Zim bans poultry importsZimbabwe has banned the importation of poultry and poultry products from South Africa with immediate effect following the outbreak of Avian Influenza in that country. The products which have been banned include "hatching eggs, table eggs, frozen chicken and mechanically… Read more
Sep 22, 2016

Sorghum Contracting: Delta set to increase investment and hectarage

22 September 2016 Delta Beverages is to invest more than US$1 million for 9 780 hectares of red sorghum for the 2016/17 farming season. The company had reduced the hectarage for sorghum under contract farming to 70% in the previous farming season. The red sorghum contract farming is in the form of… Read more
Sep 20, 2016

Cotton Support: Government seeks to increase cotton farming support

18 September 2016 The Government is negotiating to increase incentives to support cotton farming with a view to increase the hectarage from 350 000 hectares to 400 000 hectares for the 2017/17 farming season. 2016, “Govt seeks to increase cotton farming support”, ZBC, viewed 20 September 2016,… Read more
Sep 12, 2014

The 2014 Mid - Year Fiscal Policy Review Statement.

The Minister of Finance & Economic Development Patrick Chinamasa presented to the Parliament of Zimbabwe on Thursday, 11 September, the 2014 Mid - Year Fiscal Policy Review Statement. The full 2014 Mid - Year Fiscal Policy Review Statement is available for viewing and download here. Read more
Aug 28, 2014

RBZ July 2014 Monetary Policy Statement

Dr J.P. Mangudya, the Governor of the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe, presented the Monetary Policy Statement on 25 August 2014. The statement is titled BACK TO BASICS : Setting the tone for Zimbabwe's Economic Recovery. The full July 2014 Monetary Policy Statement is available for viewing and download… Read more
Jul 15, 2014

GMB buying maize

15 July 2014 The GMB is buying maize at the official producer price of $390 per tonne. The GMB is only buying directly from farmers and not from traders. The GMB is not making cash payments. Payments are made within 60days of delivery through Agribank and CBZ. This development is as a result of the… Read more
Jul 10, 2014

Government to embark on on-farm inspections

10 July 2014 The Government is commencing a land audit of A1 farmland to ascertain productivity. This will be done to decide on farmers who qualify for the A1 settlement permits that were launched by President Robert Mugabe. Any A1 farmers found to be not utilizing, under utilizing or sub-leasing… Read more
Jul 10, 2014

Cotton deliveries on the up as prices increase

10 July 2014 The price of cotton has increased from between 30c and 35c per kg to 60c per kg. Farmers are expecting the price to increase above 66c which was the highest offer price during the last season. As a result of the increase in price, farmer who had withheld selling their crop, were now… Read more
Jul 10, 2014

Local farmer signs a MoU for producing hybrid rice

8 July 2014 Ambassador Christopher Mutsvangwa is reported to have signed a Memorandum of Understanding to “produce” a hybrid type of rice “referred to as miracle rice” This type of rice is reported to have “the potential to ensure large scale rice production not only in Zimbabwe, but in the sadc… Read more
Jul 07, 2014

Government to scrutinize BAZ submission on 99-year leases

7 July 2014 It is reported that the Minister of Lands and Rural Resettlement Minister Dr Douglas Mombeshora confirmed that submissions by the Bankers Association of Zimbabwe (“BAZ”) on how to make the “99 year leases bankable” would be sent to the Attorney General’s office to be “scrutinized”. It… Read more
Jul 04, 2014

Disbursement of funds under the CABS Youth Development Fund suspended

4 July 2014 Due to high rates of default to paying back funds loaned to youths under the Youth Development Fund administered by Central African Building Society (CABS), the latter has suspended the facility. The last payments to beneficiaries under this facility were made in May 2014. The $10m fund… Read more
Jul 01, 2014

AMA seeks $55m from investors

1 July 2014 The Agricultural Marketing Authority is floating agro bills. The offer opened yesterday, Monday, 30 June 2014. The purpose of the flotation is to raise funds for the purchase of grains harvested from the 2013/14 agriculture season. The bills have a one year term and an interest rate of… Read more
Jun 30, 2014

Farmers to pay rent to Govt for using land

30 June 2014 The Government is proposing that farmers pay a rental of between $1 and $3 per hectare over a year. This affects A2 farmers. A1 farmers will pay a fixed rental of $10 per annum in addition to other required payments to rural councils. Farmers in conservancies are exempted from this… Read more
May 23, 2014

Government introducing new permits for A1 farmers

23 May 2014 “Government has introduced a new permit for A1 farmers that endorses their security of tenure and governs use of the land.” The new permit is to be launched from “early next month”. The new permit includes the following features:- · “quite detailed as it has rules and regulations… Read more
May 16, 2014

The Grain Millers Association of Zimbabwe Maize Producer Price

16 May 2014 The Grain Millers Association is buying maize at “prices between $300-$340 per tonne”. Conrad Mwanawashe and Clara Mawere, 2014,“ Poultry levy suspended”, The Herald, 16 May, viewed 17 May 2014, http://www.herald.co.zw/millers-to-produce-more-maize/ Read more
May 07, 2014

AMA suspends imposition of Poultry levy

7 May 2014 “The Agricultural Marketing Authority has suspended the imposition of a poultry levy after stakeholders agreed that the move would cripple farmers who are already suffering from economic hardships. The Statutory Instrument, Poultry and Poultry Products Development Regulations, 2013… Read more
Apr 18, 2014

AMA invites maize farmers to register in database

18 April 2014 “The Agricultural Marketing Authority is establishing a grain producer registry to assist the authority maintain a continuous record of all consistent farmers who produce maize for commercial purposes.” The “database would act as a guideline for the creation of grain produce markets… Read more
Apr 18, 2014

AMA establishes database for grain farmers

18 April 2014 “The Agricultural Marketing Authority is establishing a grain producer registry to assist the authority maintain a continuous record of all consistent farmers who produce maize for commercial purposes.” The “database would act as a guideline for the creation of grain produce markets… Read more
Apr 02, 2014

Zimbabwe bans the importation of fresh fruit and vegetables

2 April 2014 With immediate effect, the Government has banned the importation of fresh fruit and vegetables. This ban “will mostly impact supplies of tomatoes, potatoes, mangoes, grapes and apples from neighbouring South Africa, the ministry said in a statement, without giving figures on how much… Read more
Mar 30, 2014

No more free agric inputs handouts

30 March 2014 Commencing with the 2014/15 season, the Government will no longer be issuing free agriculture inputs to farmers. Rural farmers are encouraged “to start buying inputs, seeds and fertilizer” to prepare for the new season. Godfrey Mtimba, 2014,“No more free agric inputs handouts”,Daily… Read more
Feb 02, 2014

Monetary Policy Statement, January 2014

Dr C.L. Dhliwayo, Acting Governor of the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe, presented her maiden Monetary Policy Statement on Wednesday, 29 Janaury 2014. The full 2014 Monetary Policy Statement is available for viewing and download here. Read more
Jan 25, 2014

TIMB to increase late registration fine

Elita Chikwati Agriculture Reporter. The Tobacco Industry and Marketing Board has advised farmers to register before the opening of the tobacco selling season to avoid paying a fine of US$250 for late registration.Previously late comers were charged US$50.....Read More Read more
Jan 23, 2014

No more inputs assistance, by government, for winter wheat farming

The government is no longer going to provide inputs assistance for winter wheat cropping. Farmers have been encouraged to use their own financial resources or seek loans from financial institutions. Source: “Govt urges wheat farmers to mobilise own resources”, The Herald, 17 January 2014, page 5 Read more
Dec 27, 2013 1

Budget 2014 - Bank Facilities in Support of Agriculture

In the 2014 Budget presentation on Thursday 19, December 2014, the Minster of Finance and Economic Planning, tabled that "The banking sector has arranged a number of facilities in support of agriculture to the tune of US$625 million broken down as follows:" Credit Facilities Available Estimated… Read more
Jan 01, 1980

Normal to below normal rains expected this season

SOUTHERN African countries have been urged to prepare for the worst for the 2017/18 rainfall season, after a regional forecast released over the weekend showed there will be a drought in the first half of the season and floods in the second. According to an outlook released by the Southern African… Read more

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